Thursday, March 21, 2013

More Midwest Adventures

I've just returned from another wonderful trip to the Midwest.  Exploring the I-70 area between Kansas City, KS and Manhattan, KS confirms my love for this region of our country.  Towns are small, traffic is light and people are friendly.  The pace is calm and enjoyable...very enjoyable.  The Flint Hills region of Kansas has many wonderful old stone houses; one after the other.  Paxico Kansas is a wonderful old town and walking into the General Store makes you feel like you've stepped back in time.  I half expected to see Clint Eastwood riding in on his horse!  But I continue to love Pawnee City, Nebraska; mostly because of the great people which we now call our friends. Check out the church below..............wouldn't it make a fantastic second home/art studio and gallery?   Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.........Stay tuned. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Scops Owl Chick

                     I'm such a sucker for baby animals!!!  I mean, really, look at this little thing!
Painted on Vintage French Papers